Feature in Brief
In addition to ensuring adherence to regulatory requirements, accurately managing and tracking provider data, including modifications, is crucial for an efficient credentialing process. An audit log of all changes made by your organization’s users, including optionally required “Reason for Modification” information, can be found by navigating to the “Files” page and clicking the “Download Audit Log” button. Additionally, this log is available for all active and inactive providers.
“Download Audit Log” Button on the Files Page
By default, users can be optionally required to supply a “Reason for Modification” when making updates to a provider’s data; this information is available in the audit log. However, if you would like to require users to always have to enter a reason, reach out to your andros* representative to enable this.
“Reason for Modification” Field
Feature Details and User Guide
Audit logs can be accessed by any andros* platform user from the Files page via the “Download Audit Log” button. However, requiring the “Reason for Modification” to be populated before saving changes needs to be configured.
Sample Audit Log
Audit logs contain the seven following columns:
- Timestamp: Date (yyyy-mm-dd) and time (24 hour clock) a particular modification occurred; (-400 indicates Eastern)
- EditorID: Unique, numeric identifier for an individual user accessing the system and modifying a record
- EditorName: Name of the user associated with a modification
- Type: Indicates what category of data was modified and include the following types:
- Provider: first name, last name, middle name, suffix, NPI, DOB, email, credential type, second credential type, primary practice state, date of death, DOD verified on
- Identity: additional, specific provider information
- State License
- Document
- Practice State
- Provider Language
- Address
- Client Provider Identifier
- Locations
- Contacts
- DEA Licenses
- Provider Specialties
- Changes: Indicates the specific modifications made to a record. It is interpreted as, {“data element”=>[“previous value”,”new value”]}. Multiple changes are delimited by commas; nil indicates the data element was not previously populated or removed; examples and explanations below
- {"middle_name"=>[nil, "P"]}
- Previously empty middle man field was saved as “P”
- {"last_name"=>["Herzog", "Herzo"]}
- Last name was “Herzog,” now is “Herzo”
- {"discarded_at"=>[nil, "2023-03-13T13:48:38.463-04:00"]}:
- Document was removed on March 13, 2023 at 1:48 PM Eastern Time”
- {"medicare"=>[{"CA"=>"12345", "NC"=>"444", "NY"=>"222"}, {"CA"=>"1234511111", "NC"=>"444", "NY"=>"222"}]}
- CA Medicare number was “12345,” and is now “1234511111,” NC and NY Medicare numbers were not changed
- {"middle_name"=>[nil, "P"]}
- Comment: Corresponding details entered in the “Reason for Modification” field
- Metadata: Captures additional details associated with changes to state licenses, languages, specialties
- Changes: {"license_number"=>["12345", "321"], "us_subdivision_id"=>[1, 9]}
- Metatdata: {"state_code"=>["AL", "AZ"], "license_number"=>["12345", "321"]}
- Explanation: In this instance, the Metadata values indicate that "us_subdivision_id"=>[1, 9] correspond to the states AL and AZ
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